To share our vision of effective instruction, our instructional resources site has 100+ videos of Brooke teachers in action. Here you’ll see what it looks like for teachers to put the thinking on kids in discussion-based lessons across a variety of grades and subject areas.

Great Teaching
We define great teaching as ensuring that every student is both challenged and known. Great teaching also puts the thinking on students.

We revere teaching as an intellectual profession. We believe great teachers are made, not born. We know great teaching is not easily or quickly mastered and requires that we constantly reflect and improve ourselves.
Whether they're new or have 10+ years of experience,
All Brooke Teachers Receive Comprehensive Support

Observation and Feedback
Our principals and assistant principals are instructional leaders. As such, they constantly observe teachers and provide feedback. Both veteran and new teachers are supported through a minimum of 20 administrative observations per year, which are followed by timely and meaningful feedback.

Targeted Professional Development
Both new and returning teachers benefit from professional development before the school year starts. And, once students return, we provide regular, relevant professional development for all teachers related to curriculum, race and culture, and other content.

Planning and Data Meetings
We prioritize scheduling to allow teachers adequate time to plan lessons. Additionally, most teachers benefit from regular co-planning meetings in a team setting. Similarly, regular data meetings allow teachers to discuss student needs and progress in order to inform instruction in real time.
Meet some of the
Great Teachers at Brooke