Brooke Roslindale Team
Ms. Meghan Parquette
B.A., Bates College; M.Ed., Lesley University
mparquette@ebrooke.orgMeghan Parquette joined Brooke in 2006 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Since then, Ms. Parquette has taught kindergarten, first grade, fifth grade and middle school math. Ms. Parquette has been the principal at Brooke Roslindale since 2011. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Parquette taught at a school on the north shore of Massachusetts while attending graduate school.
Ms. Dianne Lam
Director of Operations
B.S., Harris-Stowe State University; MEd., Boston University
dlam@ebrooke.orgDianne Lam joined Brooke in 2021 as an eighth grade math teacher at Brooke's Eighth Grade Academy. Then, at Brooke Roslindale as an eighth grade math teacher and operations coordinator. She now serves as the Director of Operations at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Lam taught two years in Saint Louis, MO at Ritenour High School as a math and leadership teacher
Ms. Jill Bernstein
Assistant Principal
B.A., University of Virginia; M.A.T., University of Virginia
jbernstein@ebrooke.orgJill Bernstein joined Brooke in 2015 as a middle school math and science Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Since then, Ms. Bernstein taught 6th grade and eighth grade math and science. She is currently the Assistant Principal.
Ms. Jon’s Cardoso
Assistant Principal
B.A. and M.Ed., Lesley University
jcardoso@ebrooke.orgJon's Cardoso joined Brooke in 2004, as a 5th grade Reading teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Since then, Ms. Cardoso has taught 2nd and 3rd grade and has served as a middle school reading specialist at Brooke Roslindale. Ms. Cardoso is currently an assistant principal at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Cardoso taught 2nd grade in the Bronx, NY.
Mr. Nicholson Durand
Assistant Principal
B.A., Boston College; M.A., Columbia University
ndurand@ebrooke.orgNicholson Durand joined Brooke in July of 2020 as a third grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale, where he is currently serving as an Assistant Principal. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Durand taught elementary school for three years in Harlem, NY.
Ms. Lindsey Falanga
Assistant Principal
B.A., College of the Holy Cross; M.Ed., Providence College
lfalanga@ebrooke.orgLindsey Falanga joined the Brooke Roslindale team in 2012 as a sixth grade ELA and social studies teacher. After teaching sixth grade for two years, Ms. Falanga taught eighth grade ELA and Social Studies. Ms. Falanga is currently serving as an assistant principal at Brooke Roslindale, working with fourth grade, fifth grade, and the middle school ELA department. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Falanga taught high school English in Fall River, MA.
Ms. Sarah Gamble
Assistant Principal
B.A., Connecticut College; M.Ed., Dominican University
sgamble@ebrooke.orgSarah Gamble joined Brooke in 2012 as a kindergarten teacher at Brooke Mattapan. Since then, she has taught kindergarten and second grade at Brooke Roslindale. Ms. Gamble is currently serving as the Assistant Principal for Kindergarten through Third Grade at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Gamble taught preschool in Chicago through Teach for America.
Mr. Jorge Martinez
Dean of Students
B.A., University of Massachusetts at Amherst
jmartinez@ebrooke.orgMr. Martinez returns to Brooke Roslindale for his eleventh year. After serving as just the middle school Dean of Students for several years, he began serving as the Dean of Students for all students, K-8, in 2008. Prior to joining Brooke, Mr. Martinez worked at Cathedral High School and Boston Renaissance Charter School.
Ms. Sydney Gillis
School Psychologist
B.A., Wheaton College, M.A., William James College
sgillis@ebrooke.orgSydney Gillis joined Brooke in 2023 as a School Psychologist at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Sydney was a School Psychologist at the Lawrence School in Brookline, MA.
Ms. Shaiyar Hall
Social Worker
B.A., University of Massachusetts Boston; M.S.W., Boston College
shall@ebrooke.orgShaiyar Hall joined Brooke in 2021 as a social worker at Brooke Roslindale and Brooke High School. She is now serving as the social worker at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Hall worked at Horizons summer academic enrichment program at Dedham Country Day School. Prior to that, Ms. Hall worked at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Department of Children and Families as a Social Worker.
Ms. Judith Mikel
School Nurse
Quincy College
jmikel@ebrooke.orgJou Jou has been a nurse for almost ten years acquiring her associate's degree from Quincy College. Prior to joining the Brooke Team, Jou Jou worked at Codman Square Health Center for 5 years as a staff nurse in the Family Medicine Department. Jou Jou loves the Brooke Scholars and is dedicated to giving the children the best care possible!

Ms. Elizabeth Clarke
Kindergarten Teacher
B.A., Hamilton College, M.Ed Relay Graduate School of Education
eclarke@ebrooke.orgElizabeth Clarke joined Brooke in 2023 as a kindergarten teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Clarke worked in New York City for three years teaching kindergarten and 2nd grade.
Ms. Erin Hong
Kindergarten Teacher
ehong@ebrooke.orgMs. Erin Hong joined Brooke in 2023 as a student support coordinator at Roslindale, but is now serving as a kindergarten teacher there.
Ms. Katie Ouellette
Kindergarten Teacher
B.S., Northeastern University
kouellette@ebrooke.orgKathleen Ouellette, formerly Miss Duck, came to Brooke in 2006 as a founding elementary school teacher. She taught first grade from 2006-2008. After that she looped with her class and taught second grade from 2009-2011. Mrs. Ouellette has been teaching kindergarten since 2011. Before coming to Brooke, Mrs. Ouellette taught first grade at the Mystic Valley Charter School in Malden. She also served as the K-3 professional development coordinator. She decided that she missed the classroom and left her administration role to come to teach at Brooke.
Ms. Caroline Ream
Kindergarten Teacher
B.A., Hobart and William Smith Colleges
cream@ebrooke.orgCaroline Ream joined Brooke in 2023 as an Associate Teacher at the East Boston campus. She is now a kindergarten teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Caroline has more than 7 years experience assisting nonprofits, and working with children. Most notably she worked with organizations such as the YMCA of Greater Boston, America Reads, Geneva Reads, and the Boys and Girls Club of Geneva, New York.
Ms. Elisabeth Annese
First Grade Teacher
B.A., Bates College
eannese@ebrooke.orgBeth Annese joined Brooke in July 2023, as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. She has served as a second grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. She is now a first gradeteacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Beth attended Bates College and was a teaching assistant at a local elementary school.
Ms. Katie Bettenhauser
First Grade Teacher
B.A. and M.A., Providence College
kbettenhauser@ebrooke.orgKatherine Grace Bettenhauser joined Brooke in July 2021 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. She now teaches first grade there. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Bettenhauser was a full-time undergraduate student at Providence College and is completing her masters in literacy from Providence College.
Ms. Shaslyn Clark
First Grade Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts Boston
sclark@ebrooke.orgMs. Shaslyn Clark Bautista joined Brooke in 2023 as an Associate Teacher. She is now a first grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Alice Rajlai
First Grade Teacher
B.A., University of Scranton; M.A., University of Scranton;
arajlai@ebrooke.orgAlice Rajlai joined Brooke in 2018 as a first grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Alice worked in New York City for two years teaching second grade.
Mr. Justin Gilbert
Second Grade Teacher
B.S., Eastern University
jgilbert@ebrooke.orgJustin Gilbert joined Brooke in 2013 and has been teaching second grade for the past seven years. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Gilbert taught for Mastery Charter Schools and Elwyn in Philadelphia, PA.
Ms. Telia Kapteyn
Second Grade Teacher
B.S., New York University; M.A.T. Education, Hunter College; M.Ed., Harvard University
tkapteyn@ebrooke.orgTelia Kapteyn joined Brooke in 2015 as a first grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Since then, Ms. Kapteyn has taught first, second, and third grades. She is currently serving as a second grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, she taught kindergarten for four years in Brooklyn, New York through Teach For America. She was also a Fulbright Scholar in Malaysia and served as an instructional coach and a kindergarten teacher in the Arkansas Delta.
Mr. Colin Scott
Second Grade Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts, Boston; M.Ed., Lesley University
cscott@ebrooke.orgMr. Scott was a founding teacher in the elementary school. He joined the Brooke staff in 2006 as the first grade Associate Teacher, and he is now serving as a second grade teacher for the seventh year. Mr. Scott joined the Brooke community after working in a variety of schools in the Boston area.
Ms. Emily Dixon
Second Grade Teacher
B.A., Wheaton College, M.A., Boston College; M.A., Cambridge College
edixon@ebrooke.orgEmily Dixon joined Brooke in 2012 as a Kindergarten Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Since then, Mrs. Dixon has taught first and second grade, and served as instructional specialist. She is currently teaching second grade. Before coming to Brooke, Mrs. Dixon worked as a consultant for the Harvard Achievement Support Initiative and spent two years as a corps member for City Year Boston.
Ms. Piel Hollingsworth
Third Grade Teacher
B.S., Hamilton College; M.A., Union College
phollingsworth@ebrooke.orgPiel Hollingsworth joined Brooke in 2024 as a Third Grade Teacher.
Ms. Jennifer Noel
Third Grade Teacher
B.A., Florida Gulf Coast University
jnoel@ebrooke.orgJennifer Noel joined Brooke in 2023 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Mattapan. She is now a third grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Noel was a substitute teacher at Boston Public Schools.
Mr. Patrick Smitherman
Third Grade Teacher
B.A. University of Massachusetts Boston
psmitherman@ebrooke.orgPatrick Smitherman joined Brooke in 2021 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale, and is now teaching third grade there. Before coming to Brooke, Patrick had more than five years of teaching experience at after school and summer programs, including The 3 Point Foundation and The Institute for Pan African Cultural Education (P.A.C.E.).
Ms. Johanna O’Neil
Fourth Grade Teacher
B.A., Tufts University, M.Ed., Boston University
joneil@ebrooke.orgJohanna O’Neil joined Brooke in 2023 as a 4th Grade Teacher at the Roslindale Campus. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. ONeil worked for three years at Match Community Day in Hyde Park.
Ms. Sydney Robbins
Fourth Grade Teacher
B.A., Brown University
srobbins@ebrooke.orgSydney Robbins joined Brooke in July 2020 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. She is now teaching fourth grade at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Robbins worked with elementary and middle school students through multiple mentoring programs and non-profit organizations.
Ms. C.E. Tomlin
Fourth Grade Teacher
B.S., Northeastern University
ctomlin@ebrooke.orgC.E. Tomlin joined Brooke in 2020 as social studies teacher for Brooke's Eighth Grade Academy. She is now serving as a second grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Tomlin had two years of teaching experience as a seventh grade U.S. history teacher at Roxbury Prep Lucy Stone.
Ms. Ta’Naizha Willis
Third Grade Science and Third/Fourth Computer Science Teacher
B.A., Lesley University
twillis@ebrooke.orgTa'Naizha Willis joined Brooke in 2023 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke East Boston. Prior to coming to Brooke, Ms. Willis worked at Generation Teach as a lead teacher. Additionally, Ms. Willis was also a child care provider for private residences within the Boston area.
Ms. Sara Burks
Fifth Grade Teacher
B.I.S., Virginia Commonwealth University
sburks@ebrooke.orgSara Burks joined Brooke in 2022 as a fifth grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Burks taught fourth grade at Walton Elementary School in Prince George, Virginia.
Ms. Faimara Jean-Baptiste
Fifth Grade Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
fjean-baptiste@ebrooke.orgFaimara Jean-Baptiste joined the Brooke Roslindale Team in 2018 as a Third Grade Associate Teacher and is currently serving as a Fifth Grade Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Brooke Prior to Brooke, Ms. Jean-Baptiste taught as a Special Education Teacher. She also served as an AmericaCorps VISTA at Boston Medical Center managing trauma-informed interventions in early elementary classrooms in Roxbury and Dorchester.
Ms. Chelsea Merritt
Fifth Grade Teacher
B.A., Plymouth State University. M.Ed., Plymouth State University
cmerritt@ebrooke.orgChelsea Merritt joined Brooke in 2023 as a lead classroom teacher. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Merritt began her teaching career in California, with experience teaching in both elementary and middle school.
Ms. Sara Scully
Fourth/Fifth Grade Science and Fifth Grade Computer Science Teacher
B.A., Susquehanna University
sscully@ebrooke.orgSara Scully joined Brooke in July of 2020, as the 3-5 grade science teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Scully worked at Akili Academy of New Orleans for 6 years, as a 3rd grade homeroom teacher, a 3-4 science teacher, and on the leadership team. Prior to that she wrote STEM Education for The Forum for the Advancement of Minorities in Engineering and was a kindergarten and 1st grade teacher in Philadelphia.
Ms. Cheyenne Aoelua
Sixth Grade English Language Arts Teacher
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
caoelua@ebrooke.orgCheyenne Aoelua joined Brooke in July 2020 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Then taught third grade and is now teaching sixth grade ELA and social studies at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Aoelua served a full year with City Year Providence as a student success coach in a fourth grade classroom.
Ms. Tahirah Gibson
Sixth Grade English Language Arts Teacher
B.S., University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
tgibson@ebrooke.orgMs. Gibson graduated from University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth in 2015 with a Bachelors of Science in Finance. She joined Brooke Roslindale as a fifth grade associate teacher in November 2016. Ms. Gibson starting doing camp counseling when she lived in Hawaii and while in college was a tutor mentor for high school students in the Upward Bound program. Prior to coming to Brooke, Ms. Gibson was a specimen processor for Quest Diagnostics.
Ms. Becky Walsh
Sixth Grade English Language Arts Teacher
B.S., University of Massachusetts Amherst; M.Ed., Loyola Marymount University
bwalsh@ebrooke.orgBecky Walsh joined Brooke in July of 2020 as a seventh grade English Language Arts and Social Studies teacher at Brooke Roslindale, where she is now teaching sixth grade. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Walsh worked in Harlem for six years as a reading teacher and in California for two years as a sixth and seventh grade English Language Arts teacher. She was also a member of City Year in Boston.
Ms. Desiree Harvey
Sixth Grade Math and Science Teacher
B.A., Emory University; M.Ed., Boston College
dharvey@ebrooke.orgDesiree Harvey joined Brooke Roslindale in 2016 as an Associate Teacher. Since coming to Brooke she has taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. In 2018 she graduated with her Masters in Education from Boston College.
Ms. Ashaunte Martinez
Sixth Grade Math and Science Teacher
B.A., UMass Amherst
amartinez@ebrooke.orgMs. Martinez graduated from UMASS Amherst with a degree in psychology, and a minor in education. Ms. Martinez has worked in a variety of camp settings, from sports camps to math camps, and is excited to a part of the Brooke community.
Ms. Maliya Rodriguez
Sixth Grade Math and Science Teacher
B.A., Brown University
mrodriguez@ebrooke.orgMaliya Rodriguez joined Brooke in 2021 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Maliya spent her time in college volunteering and working for organizations such as Generation Teach, Inspiring Minds, and the Sexual Health Advocacy program.
Ms. Kate Borne
Seventh Grade English Language Arts Teacher
B.A., Hamilton College
kborne@ebrooke.orgKate joined Brooke in 2007 as a middle school Associate Teacher. She then taught 5th and 6th grade ELA for two years. This will be her ninth year teaching 7th grade ELA at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Katherine Gerberich
Seventh Grade English Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher
B.A., Barnard College of Columbia University; M.T., University of Virginia
kgerberich@ebrooke.orgKatherine Gerberich joined Brooke in 2024 as a 7th grade ELA and Social Studies teacher. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Gerberich worked as a Social Studies teacher in Virginia. During her undergraduate years at Barnard, she was a photographer and editor at the Columbia Daily Spectator.
Mr. Ascher Walker Wilson
Seventh Grade English Language Arts Teacher
B.A., Grinnell College
awalkerwilson@ebrooke.orgAscher Walker Wilson joined Brooke in 2023, as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. He is now a Seventh Grade English Language Arts Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Walker Wilson worked as a Preschool Assistant at Grinnell College, a 6th Grade Teacher for Generation Teach in Denver, and as an Educational Intern in Cape Town, South Africa.
Mr. Paul Friedmann
Seventh Grade Math and Science Teacher
B.A., Williams College; M.A.T., Simmons College
pfriedmann@ebrooke.orgPaul Friedmann joined Brooke in 2007 as a 7th Grade Math Teacher. Mr. Friedmann is currently serving as a 7th Grade Math and Science Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Friedmann served as a Math Teacher at Boston Collegiate Charter School, a Teaching Fellow at Citizen Schools, and a fundraiser at the University of Chicago.
Mr. Taylor Nardone
Seventh Grade Math and Science Teacher
B.A., Boston College
tnardone@ebrooke.orgTaylor Nardone joined Brooke in 2022 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Nardone completed a year of national service with City Year Corps.
Ms. Adrienne Watkins
Seventh Grade Math and Science Teacher
M.Ed., Columbia University Teachers College; M.Ed., University of Missouri- St. Louis; B.A., The George Washington University
Awatkins@ebrooke.orgAdrienne Watkins joined Brooke in 2018 as a 7th grade math and science teacher in Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Watkins spent 6 years living and working in St. Louis as a math teacher and school leader. Ms. Watkins is originally from Boston, and is excited to be back home teaching such an amazing group of students and working closely with their families.
Mr. Ramon Alicea
Eighth Grade English Language Arts Teacher
B.A., Bates College; M.Ed., University of Massachussetts Boston
ralicea@ebrooke.orgRamon Alicea joined Brooke in 2018 as a fifth grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Since then, he has taught sixth grade literacy and social studies. Mr. Alicea has served as Brooke Roslindale's Director of Operations. He now serves as an English Language Arts teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Alicea taught fifth grade math, literacy and history in Roxbury Prep Charter Schools for six years and first and second grade in Boston Public Schools for five years.
Mr. Jeremiah Laing
Eighth Grade Civics and Word Study Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
jlaing@ebrooke.orgJeremiah Laing joined Brooke in July of 2020 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. He also taught English Language Arts at Brooke's Eighth Grade Academy. Mr. Laing is now an eighth grade civics and word study teacher. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Laing studied English with a focus in writing, rhetoric, and communication at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
Mr. Will Sutton
Eighth Grade English Language Arts Teacher
B.A., Harvard University
wsutton@ebrooke.orgWill Sutton joined Brooke in 2023 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Mattapan. He is now an eighth grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Sutton was a research assistant for Dr. Jarvis Givens, working on a book about the racial history of U.S. educational policy.
Mr. Carsen Olazaba
Eighth Grade Math Teacher
B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
colazaba@ebrooke.orgCarsen Olazaba joined Brooke in 2023 as an Associate Teacher at the Brooke's Roslindale campus. He is now a eighth grade math teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Olazaba worked as a life sciences recruiter for 2 years with pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
Ms. Shaadiin King
Eighth Grade Science and Computer ScienceTeacher
B.A., Swarthmore College
sking@ebrooke.orgShaadiin King joined Brooke in 2023 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. She is now an eighth grade science and computer science teacher at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Tanisha Thompson
Eighth Grade Science and Computer Science Teacher
B.A., University of South Carolina Columbia
tthompson@ebrooke.orgTanisha Thompson joined Brooke in 2021 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Thompson served with City Year AmeriCorps in Miami-Dade County.
Mr. Sung Hong
Eighth Grade Math Teacher
B.A., Duke University
shong@ebrooke.orgSung Hong joined Brooke in 2023 as an 8th Grade math/computer science teacher. He is now teaching eighth grade at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Hong taught middle school math, science, and ELA for eleven years in the Washington, DC metropolitan area; Seoul, South Korea; and Newark , NJ.
Mr. Ben Ault
Student Support Coordinator
B.A., Hendrix College; M.S., Johns Hopkins University
bault@ebrooke.orgBen Ault joined Brooke in 2024 as a Student Support Coordinator at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Jaclyn Bryson
Student Support Coordinator
B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.Ed., Francis Marion University
jbryson@ebrooke.orgJaclyn Bryson joined Brooke in July of 2020 as a Student Support Coordinator at Brooke's Eighth Grade Academy. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Bryson was a Teach for America corps member where she served as a special educator in South Carolina for five years. Ms. Bryson is currently a Student Support Coordinator at Brooke Roslindale.
Mr. John Driscoll
Student Support Teacher
B.A., Stonehill College; EdM., Salem State University
jdriscoll@ebrooke.orgJohn Driscoll joined Brooke in 2024 as a Student Support Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Driscoll spent 6 years teaching at KIPP Academy Lynn and KIPP Academy Lynn Elementary.
Ms. Kimberly Gassaway
Student Support Coordinator
B.A., Texas Tech University; MEd., Wayland Baptist University
kgassaway@ebrooke.orgKimberly Gassaway joined Brooke in 2024 as a Student Support Coordinator at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Kimberly had more 10 years in Special Education.
Ms. Jessica Geiger
Student Support Coordinator
B.S., University of Delaware; M.Ed, Boston University
jgeiger@ebrooke.orgJessica Geiger joined Brooke in 2021 as a Student Support Coordinator at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Geiger was a Teach For America corps member and taught second grade for three years in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
Mr. Andys González
Student Support Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst
agonzalez@ebrooke.orgAndys Gonzalez joined Brooke in 2021 as a School Culture Aide at Brooke Roslindale. Mr. Gonzalez is currently serving as a Student Support Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before working at Brooke, Mr. Gonzalez was a host and floor manager at a restaurant in Back Bay. Mr. Gonzalez graduated from Brooke Roslindale in 2013!
Mr. Trevor Hicks
Student Support Teacher
B.S., Harris-Stowe State University; M.Ed., Harvard Graduate School of Education
thicks@ebrooke.orgTrevor Hicks joined Brooke in 2023 as a Student Support Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Hicks served as a 7th grade history teacher in St. Louis, MO and was a program associate at an educational think thank, Skip DesignED.
Ms. Rebecca Oh
Student Support Teacher
B.A., Occidental College
roh@ebrooke.orgRebecca Martyn joined Brooke in 2023, as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale, where she is now serving as a Student Support Teacher. Before coming Brooke, Rebecca worked for two years as a Teacher's Assistant at the Occidental College Child Development Center.
Mr. Daniel Bennette
Multilingual Learner Teacher
B.F.A., Massachusetts College of Art and Design
dbennette@ebrooke.orgDaniel Bennette joined Brooke in 2022 as an Multilingual Learner Coordinator at the Roslindale campus. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Bennette taught English for more than 12 years across the Middle East, and Boston. He worked at the National Institute of Technology in Saudi Arabia, helping to give at-risk Saudi youth a better future.
Mr. Terrell Oliver
Multilingual Learner Teacher
B.A., Delaware State University; M.A., University of Delaware
toliver@ebrooke.orgTerrell Oliver joined Brooke in 2022 as an Multilingual Learner Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Oliver taught English to K-8 students in South Korea.
Ms. Ajahysha Corbin
Speech and Language Pathologist
acorbin@ebrooke.orgMs. Ajahysha Corbin joined Brooke in 2023 as a speech and language pathologist at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Victoria Donahue
Occupational Therapist
B.S., Worcester State University; M.S., Worcester State University
vdonahue@ebrooke.orgVictoria Donahue joined Brooke in 2024 as an Occupational Therapist for the network. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Donahue attended Worcester State University and studied Occupational Therapy and Spanish for the Health Professions. She has always been passionate about school-based occupational therapy and completed one of her fieldwork rotations at a local public school.
Mr. Brian Carey
Music Teacher
B.A., Florida State University; M.M., Florida State University
bcarey@ebrooke.orgBrian Carey joined Brooke in 2007 as the founding Music Teacher for Brooke Roslindale. Mr. Carey currently teaches music to grades K-7 and directs The Brooke Steel Band as well as the Brooke Zimbabwean Marimba Ensemble. Mr. Carey has over 25 years experience as a music educator and performer and has previously worked for The San Francisco Ballet, The Urban Bush Women Summer Dance Institute, Performing Arts Workshop, San Francisco Community Music Center, and The Oakland Youth Chorus.
Mr. Schmidt Demas
Art Teacher
B.A., Andrews University
sdemas@ebrooke.orgAfter serving as an associate teacher starting in 2018, Mr. Demas is now a lead role serving as the art teacher at Brooke Roslindale. With a background in portrait and event photography, Mr. Demas is eager to teach, learn, create and most importantly grow with his students.
Ms. Kaitlyn Edwards
Dance Teacher
B.S., Bridgewater State University
kedwards@ebrooke.orgKaitlyn Edwards joined Brooke in 2012 as the Dance Teacher on the Brooke Roslindale co-curricular team. Before coming to Brooke, Kaitlyn worked at various studios and for the Mansfield Arts and Education Center, teaching dance/ Zumba to both students and adults as well as leading the after school/ summer camp programs.
Ms. Neusa Ribeiro
Physical Education Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
nribeiro@ebrooke.orgMs. Ribeiro returns to the Brooke Roslindale staff for her fourth year after having taught physical education for six years at the Fort River School in Amherst, MA. During that time, she also served as the soccer coach at Amherst Regional High School.
Ms. Emma Sindoni Bonilla
Associate Teacher
B.A., Wellesley College
ebonilla@ebrooke.orgEmma Sindoni Bonilla joined Brooke 2024 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Sindoni attended Wellesley College where she received her B.A. in Political Science and Spanish at Wellesley College, and developed a passion for education and educational equity.
Ms. Lizmariely Figueroa
Associate Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts Boston
lfigueroa@ebrooke.orgLizmariely Figueroa joined Brooke in year 2024, as an associate teacher on the Brooke Charter Schools Roslindale Team. Before coming to Brooke Lizmariely worked for Jumpstart for 4 years and had experience working in a private preschool school as well as a Boston Public School for a year.
Mr. Jason Goodman
Associate Teacher
B.A., Emory University
jgoodman@ebrooke.orgJason Goodman joined Brooke in 2024 serving as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Goodman was a Senior Associate at American Jewish Committee and an Admission Advisor at Emory University prior.
Ms. Kenyada Haye
Associate Teacher
B.S., Johnson & Wales University
khaye@ebrooke.orgKenyada Haye joined Brooke in 2024, as an Associate Teacher, at the Roslindale campus. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Haye worked as a Teaching Fellow and an Enrichment Coordinator for Paul Cuffee School.
Mr. Dariel Jimenez
Associate Teacher
B.H.S., Brandeis University
djimenez@ebrooke.orgDariel Jimenez joined Brooke in 2024 as an Associate Teacher for Brooke Charter School at Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Mr. Jimenez was a Health Educator at Brandeis University.
Ms. Tiana Laing
Associate Teacher
B.S., University of Massachusetts Boston
tlaing@ebrooke.orgTiana Laing joined Brooke in 2024 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Alaina Vermilya
Associate Teacher
B.A., Brandeis University
avermiyla@ebrooke.orgAlaina Vermilya joined Brooke in 2024 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke's Roslindale campus. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Vermilya attended Brandeis University where she majored in Sociology and minored in Education Studies, Social Policy, and Gender and Sexuality Studies. At Brandeis, Ms. Vermilya served as a Teaching Assistant at a local public school and conducted research on the importance of comprehensive health education.
Ms. Emilie Volmar
Associate Teacher
B.A., University of Massachusetts Boston
evolmar@ebrooke.orgEmilie Volmar joined Brooke Charter Schools Roslindale as an Associate Teacher in 2024. Prior to joining the Brooke Team, Emilie has many years of experience working in various early childhood spaces such as preschool centers, interning at Boston Public Schools, and working in Jumpstart.
Ms. Maylin Pimentel
Operations Coordinator
B.A., Candidate Suffolk University
maylin.pimentel@ebrooke.orgMaylin Pimentel joined Brooke in 2023, as the Operations Coordinator at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Jakelin Bonilla
Office Coordinator
B.S., Suffolk University
jbonilla@ebrooke.orgJakelin Bonilla joined Brooke in July 2022 as an Associate Teacher at Brooke Roslindale. She now serves as the Office Coordinator. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Bonilla was a Direct Therapist at May Institute.
Ms. Janique Jean
School Operations Manager
jjean@ebrooke.orgJanique Jean joined Brooke in 2021 as a paraprofessional at Brooke Roslindale. She is currently serving as the school's Operations Manager.
Ms. Maria Alvarado
Facilities Staff Member
malvarado@ebrooke.orgMaria Alvarado joined Brooke in 2011. She is currently a member of the facilities team at Brooke Roslindale.
Mr. Chuck Peters
Facilities Manager
Tewksbury High School
cpeters@ebrooke.orgMr. Peters joined the Brooke staff in 2005 as the building manager, supporting the building’s expansion into a full middle school and then the addition of the elementary school. Prior to coming to Brooke, Mr. Peters worked at Mount Saint Joseph Academy in Brighton as its building manager and for the Wingate nursing homes.
Ms. Kali Aubourg
A.A.B., Katherine Gibbs College
kaubourg@ebrooke.orgKali Aubourg joined Brooke in 2016 as an Office Manager at Brooke Roslindale. She then served as a Culture Aide at Brooke Roslindale, Eighth Grade Academy, Brooke High School and Brooke East Boston. She is now a Paraprofessional back at the Roslindale Campus. Before joining Brooke Ms. Kali worked as a paralegal. Ms. Kali is a proud parent of two Brooke alums.
Ms. Iris Rojas-Lopez
School Culture Aide
irojas-lopez@ebrooke.orgIris Rojas-Lopez joined Brooke in 2022 as a Culture Aide at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Rojas-Lopez was working for City Fresh Food for 7 years.
Ms. Ingrid Torres
School Culture Aide
itorres@ebrooke.orgIngrid Torres joined Brooke in 2022 as a Culture Aide at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, Ms. Torres worked at a bank for 20 years.
Ms. Petrina Walker
pwalker@ebrooke.orgPetrina Walker joined Brooke in 2023 as a Paraprofessional at Brooke Roslindale.
Ms. Shamika Sanders
ssanders@ebrooke.orgShamika Sanders joined Brooke in 2022 as a Paraprofessional at Brooke Roslindale.
Mr. Jaden Nichols
jnichols@ebrooke.orgJaden Nichols joined Brooke in 2023 as a Paraprofessional at Brooke Roslindale. Before coming to Brooke, he worked as a Direct Care Professional at Walker Therapeutic and Educational Programs.